In The Kitchen with TBS!

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Wheel & Barrow Oven Mitts (similar style here), Yesteryear Baking Co Spatula (similar style here), Mug Cakes by Mima Sinclair, Measuring Spoon Set (similar style here), Measuring Cup Set (similar style here).

Just call me Martha Stewart as I’ve developed a bit of sweet tooth for baked treats! While I’m not usually a whiz in the kitchen, I’m really starting to get my hand around a spatula and working through a recipe for Rocky Road Mug Cake is totally worth it!

Of course half the fun aside from the taste testing (and devouring), is shopping for cute homewares and naturally, I couldn’t go past an all pink colour theme. If you too are looking for some adorable kitchenware, then head straight Wheel & Barrow for your one-stop shop of baking essentials including:

  1. Spatulas,
  2. Measuring Cups,
  3. Measuring Spoon Set,
  4. Oven Mitts (and matching apron),
  5. Recipe Book.

Do you have a favourite baking recipe or perhaps something sugary you’ve invented? I’de love to hear it below. Otherwise, happy baking!