Fashion Illustration by PaperPlanesLmc.


PAPERPLANESLMC, The Blonde Silhouette

Having your portrait drawn was historically a symbol of wealth, power and admiration circa 18th century times… so call me Queen!

Lina Maria, the artist behind PAPERPLANESLMC, is a talented Melbourne based fashion illustrator and designer. She recently completed a fashion illustration depicting me as my blogging identity (and self-confessed shoe addict), The Blonde Silhouette. In simple terms, I LOVE this piece! To view more of her amazing work visit her blog and Facebook page.

  • annalisa

    so nice! i d love to have a drawwing of me ! so cute xx
    ps. of course im following ! xx

    Twitter/Instagram: @moustachic

  • Ahh, that’s so cool! I’ve always wanted some kind of art of myself like that- it’s so personal and creative.
    Just started a facebook page for my blog & I hope you’ll check it out. Gave your page a Like too!


  • Wow that’s amazing, love the way she drew the pattern on your trousers!

  • What a lovely thing to have done and how inspirational- absolutely love it =)
